Clutter to Clarity Boot Camp
CourseThis is a 5 part series from a past live bootcamp Angel taught to an intimate group of women wanting to shift from clutter to clarity in all areas of their life. It includes Angel's clutter free countdown, breakthrough blueprint and so much more.
The 2022 Clutter Free Planning Session
CourseThe Clutter Free Planning Session guides you through a simple yet powerful process for clearing mental + emotional clutter while creating space for what's new and next! Answer these 21 questions to set yourself up for success in the new year! (2h45m)
Clutter Free Week Bundle
BundleThe Clutter Free Week Bundle includes 4 transformational challenges that change you and your life- for good. You'll access teachings on mastering your mind, managing your emotions, letting go, setting boundaries, starting over and more!
Clutter Free Week: Releasing Negative Thoughts, Emotions & Energy
CourseJoin Angel for a guided 7 day experience to help you release all the negative thoughts, emotions & energy that has you feeling overwhelmed, frustrated & stuck. You'll do the inner work to help you find the peace, happiness and freedom you desire.
Clutter Free Week: No More Settling for Less, Lack & Limits
CourseDuring Clutter Free Week you'll not only discover the real reason why you've been settling for less, are comfortable with lack and have allowed limits in your life but you'll also learn how to overcome it so you can be, do and have more!
Clutter Free Week: Refreshed, Rooted & Ready for New Beginnings
CourseJoin Angel for a guided 7 day experience to help you prepare for this next season of your life, not just with goals and dreams but with a solid strategy to ensure that your peace, happiness and success remains non-negotiable along the journey.